Download bubble and squeak recipe taste
Download bubble and squeak recipe taste

download bubble and squeak recipe taste download bubble and squeak recipe taste

If not simply use the cauliflower florets and place in a bowl with 1 tablespoon of butter and your cream. If you have left over mashed cauliflower bring this out now. It is easiest if you dice, slice and grate all your ingredients together at the start to make this quick and easy. * About half a medium size cauliflower is roughly 2 cups. 294 g cauliflower, cut into florets, ~1/2 medium.Yields 3 servings of No-tatoes Bubble ‘n’ Squeak (2 fritters each serving) The Preparation If you love a traditional fry up or English breakfast these are a great replacement or a change if you are getting tired of bacon and eggs. These will take a short while to prepare from scratch, but it’s worth the effort and if you are using leftovers they are really quick and easy. I just prefer the texture mozzarella gives these and I love the crunch Parmesan adds to the crust. I prefer to make them in my egg rings as they are easier to flip. You can also make like a casserole and cut into portions afterwards. Butter, ghee, coconut oil, bacon grease, or extra virgin olive oil will substitute just fine. We use duck fat in this recipe, but if you don’t have access to any don’t stress. This recipe is full of fats and will keep you satisfied all day long. A soft poached egg with hollandaise sauce works wonders. You can add an egg for a complete breakfast if you like. The finished fritters should be crispy and crunchy on the outside, and gooey on the inside. If you don’t have any cauliflower mash left over, don’t panic, I have an extremely quick and easy way to whip some up for these. There’s nothing quite like leftovers fried up the next day. These little fritters are deliciously creamy and lip smacking good with all that bacon and make for a smashing breakfast. Do you want to use up some of those left over vegetable scraps? Almost any low carb vegetable can be added to these. If you are in the mood for a fry up on the weekend, look no further. Because who doesn’t like bacon? Bacon makes everything better! After trying this made from cauliflower I will never miss potatoes again! This is a keto spin on traditional Bubble ‘n’ Squeak using cauliflower and bacon.

Download bubble and squeak recipe taste